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The Digital Work Showdown: Modern Cloud vs Legacy Server
Modern Cloud vs Legacy Server The demand for flexible remote working infrastructure and solutions has increased dramatically in recent years. Azure Virtual Desktop and Remote Desktop Services are both popular desktop virtualisation technologies on the market,...
5 Benefits of Azure Virtual Desktop for the Hybrid Workforce
The Benefits of Azure Virtual Desktop for the Hybrid Workforce It’s no secret that the global events of the past few years have altered the world of business for good. Employees are no longer willing to be tethered to their office desks; the modern workforce...
Protect Your Remote Workforce with Azure Virtual Desktop Security
How Azure Virtual Desktop Security is Enabling Secure Remote Working Practices As businesses across the globe have adapted to remote or hybrid working models, the need for more robust security measures has naturally increased. Disparate co-workers are inherently...
How to Choose the Right Virtualisation Solution for You
Understanding Your Virtualisation Options: Azure Virtual Desktop vs Remote Desktop vs Virtual Machines The modern workforce now views flexibility as a necessity. The ability to work from anywhere underpins our current business environment. While several IT...