What Are The Best Practices For Business Continuity Planning?

by | Mar 25, 2024 | Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity

For the countless companies vying for a piece of the pie within a hugely competitive global market, business continuity planning emerges as a vital safety net against unforeseen disruptions. However, taking action in this context by forming a robust strategy is not just about protecting a business’s operations; it’s about ensuring the longevity and success of a company in the face of adversity.


Understanding the importance of business continuity planning


In essence, business continuity planning is all about building a strategic plan that enables organisations to maintain essential functions during and after a significant disruption. This could involve anything from a natural disaster to a cyber attack, with each threat carrying equal potential to interrupt the smooth running of operations.

For SMEs in Ireland, where resources may be more limited in comparison to those of multinational companies, the impact of such disruptions can be particularly severe. In fact, between 2020 and 2022, the volume of cyber attacks against small businesses increased by 150%, reaching 31,000 attacks per day globally. Furthermore, reports suggest that 60% of such companies close within six months of being hacked.

These alarming figures reinforce business continuity planning as an indispensable part of strategic management, particularly in the context of SMEs.


Key elements of an effective business continuity plan


The need for an effective business continuity plan is clear, but how can company leaders go about piecing such an important strategy together? A successful approach involves considering several critical components, which should be tailored to the unique needs and vulnerabilities of the business. These elements include:


  • Business impact analysis to determine the effects of disruption on various business functions
  • Strategy development, which involves outlining procedures to maintain or quickly resume critical operations
  • A communications plan to facilitate clear, effective channels for internal (employees) and external (stakeholders) communication during a crisis
  • Staff training, so that each member of the team is aware of their role within the plan, thus promoting a culture of preparedness


Before implementing any of these elements, however, it is vital to first carry out a risk assessment to identify potential threats and assess their impact on operations.


Risk assessment and management in business continuity planning


The process of risk assessment and management involves a thorough analysis of potential threats and their likely impact on the business. This phase will form the foundation of any plan.

For SMEs, risk assessment means not only identifying the most probable threats but also understanding the specific vulnerabilities of their operations amid the broader industry landscape.

An essential first step is to identify potential risks that could disrupt operations, such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or supply chain failures. Next, it’s important to assess the likelihood and impact of these risks on business operations. Following this, identified risks should be prioritised based on their potential severity and mitigation strategies must be developed for the most critical threats. This involves creating response plans, allocating resources and establishing recovery procedures.

Carrying out regular reviews and updating the risk management plan will also ensure it remains relevant and effective in addressing new and evolving risks, as well as changing environments brought about by technological advancements or transformations within the business itself.


What Are The Best Practices For Business Continuity Planning? - Arbelos (2)


Developing a comprehensive response strategy


When it comes to coping with the complexities of a disruption, a comprehensive response strategy is crucial. This means building a plan with multiple elements to cover all eventualities. Such a strategy should encompass:


  • Immediate response measures – actions to protect staff and assets in the immediate aftermath of an incident
  • Continuity procedures – steps to maintain or quickly resume critical business functions
  • Recovery plans – processes to restore normal operations over the longer term


It’s important to note that the latter strategy flows from business continuity into business resilience, which is the ability of a company to successfully pivot and handle the unknown following an episode of disaster recovery.


Training and testing your business continuity plan


The global cost of cybercrime is expected to skyrocket to $23.84 trillion by 2027, and unfortunately, these losses will be felt deeply by the small business sector. Couple this figure with the statistic that reveals a startling 70% of corporate data breaches can be attributed to employees, and the need for greater cohesion between threat management and cyber staff training becomes apparent.

It is therefore no secret that the efficacy of a business continuity plan – and hopefully a lack of need for such a strategy – largely comes down to the skill and experience of the employees that help to create and implement it.

Because of this, it’s vital to conduct regular staff training to ensure they are confident in their roles and responsibilities regarding the plan. Periodic testing through drills and simulations will bolster this further, verifying that everyone is prepared to act decisively and effectively when needed.


Technology’s role in supporting business continuity


While supporting business continuity takes a lot of work on behalf of business leaders and their teams, technology also plays a crucial role. From cloud computing services that enable remote work and data storage, to cybersecurity measures protecting against digital threats, technology offers powerful tools to enhance resilience.

SMEs should leverage these technologies to not only mitigate risks but also to seize opportunities for innovation and growth in the wake of disruption. Securing managed IT services is a surefire way to get the most out of these technological tools.


What Are The Best Practices For Business Continuity Planning? - Arbelos (3)


Secure your future with robust business continuity planning from Arbelos


Arbelos stands at the forefront of managed IT services, offering the expertise and support necessary to develop and implement robust business continuity plans. With our deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing Irish businesses, we are uniquely positioned to help you navigate the uncertainties of the business landscape.

By partnering with Arbelos, you gain access to a team of professionals dedicated to ensuring your business is prepared for any eventuality. Our business continuity and disaster recovery service ensures that your operations are resilient, your data is protected and your future is secure.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you develop a business continuity plan that not only protects your operations but also empowers your growth in the face of challenges.


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